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3 Must-Know Facts About Hot Dogs

Restaurant Hot Dog

Although they technically originated from Frankfurt, Germany, few things are more American than hot dogs. Many children in the United States grow up eating and loving hot dogs. The average American consumes about 70 hot dogs a year–that’s over 20 billion hotdogs across the country!

People can’t seem to resist their delicious ease and simplicity. Wieners and sausages in soft, pillowy buns are popular fare at concerts, carnivals, and sporting events. If you have ever had a backyard barbeque, a children’s party, or a company event, you probably had hot dogs on the menu.

It doesn’t take much to make a good sandwich. The simpler they are, the better. A perfectly good hot dog is served warm and topped with just the right combination of condiments–relish, mustard, mayo, and ketchup. Though more recently, many restaurants have played around with gourmet versions with fancier toppings like truffles, French cheese, or caramelized onions.

Hot dogs are readily accessible across the country, in supermarkets, convenience stores, and street corners. In 2019, Americans spent nearly 6.2 billion dollars buying them. If you want to know more about American’s favorite elongated sandwich, here are a few more hot facts about that you probably didn’t know:

  1. The city of Los Angeles consumes the most number of hot dogs each year

Initially popularized in Chicago in 1893, Los Angeles burns through about 31 million pounds of hot dogs each year. A massive chunk of them is enjoyed at Los Angeles’ Dodgers Stadium, where baseball fans eat around 2.6 million pounds of sausages in a single year. While the city is mad about dogs, New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston are not far behind on the list.

  1. The peak of hot dog eating is on Independence Day

According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (yes, there is one!), about 150 million dogs are consumed on this day, more than any other day in the year. This is probably due to the American tradition of holding backyard barbecues and outdoor Independence Day parties. There’s even a popular Hot Dog Eating Contest held every year at Coney Island hot dog stand Nathan’s, where a prize is given to the person who can eat the most dogs in ten minutes.

  1. No one can verify where the term “hot dog” came from

There are several stories regarding the origins of the name, “hot dog.” One story claims that in 1901, vendors were selling hot dogs and buns at a New York polo match, calling out, “Get your dachshund sausages while they’re red hot!”. Nearby, a New York cartoonist saw them and hastily drew a picture of a dachshund wrapped in a bun and wrote the words, “hot dog” since he didn’t know how to spell “dachshund.” The cartoon became popular and the term along with it. Other accounts point to a “dog wagon,” referencing popular carts that would hawk dogs on campus at Yale in 1894.

No one can deny the critical role hot dogs play in American history and culture. They are equalizing food–tasty, simple, and inexpensive, with the unique ability to bring people of different backgrounds together.

They appeal to almost anyone of any age and at any time of the year. You’d be hard-pressed to come across a citizen who has never had one before. While they may have come from foreign shores, like many things, America has found a way to make it entirely their own.

Are you looking for delicious hot dogs in Valparaiso, IN? The next time you want your craving fixed, we have just the right selection for you. We have them all for you from Chicago dogs, Polish sausage, or if you want one topped with chili and cheese. Call us today or place your order online.